
Oversight by Santino Hassell
Oversight by Santino Hassell

I’m also going to add what the ownvoices rep within the book is in parenthesis. I’m going to list them in alphabetical order by title. I also decided to provide the list for y’all in a way that allows everyone to see it all put together. I got together with a few amazing people and we decided to host an Instagram challenge. I was initially asking so that I could use the books for myself for reading and pictures for my own bookstagram account, but the overwhelming number of books that came at me that I had no idea existed before made me want to do more with it.

Oversight by Santino Hassell Oversight by Santino Hassell

And WOW did y’all deliver! I had people responding, quote retweeting, and DMing me on both Twitter AND Instagram to tell me their favourite ownvoices LGBT+ books. No matter! A couple weeks ago, I had a post on Twitter asking for any and all books y’all could think of that are ownvoices for the LGBT+ aspects.

Oversight by Santino Hassell