The Braithwhites head the Adamite Order of the Ancient Dawn, a sorcerer’s cabal that requires Atticus’s participation in a dangerous ritual. Or is it?Īccompanied by his uncle George, publisher of The Safe Negro Travel Guide, and his friend Letitia, Atticus sets out on a cross-country journey that leads to the estate of Samuel Braithwhite and his son Caleb, whose family once owned one of Atticus’s ancestors. The only clue to his whereabouts is a letter in which Montrose claims to have uncovered a mysterious family legacy in Arkham, Massachusetts-a town that Atticus, a fan of weird tales, knows is fictional. Just ask Korean War veteran Atticus Turner, who returns home to Chicago in the summer of 1954 to find that his father, Montrose, has gone missing.

But rest assured, should you end up in Lovecraft Country-you’ll know it. You’ll look in vain for references to it in any book of travel. It has no fixed geographical coordinates, and you can’t measure the distance to it, even in Jim Crow Miles. Lovecraft Country… You won’t find it on any map. “I realize that particularly now the idea of a white author writing about black characters is a particularly fraught subject,” says Ruff, who grew up in a multi cultural home, “but to me it's just the kind of thing I have always done and I believe you can succeed at it as long as you take the time and do your research and your job and, you know, get it right.Dust jacket and interior illustrations by David Palumbo. All of which may seem just a bit odd because Ruff is white.

Showrunner Misha Green has called Ruff's book "beautiful", the jumping off point for reclaiming the sci-fi horror genre for people of color. Many critics say Lovecraft Country is one of the year's must see shows. This is kind of odd because he is mostly known for comedy but Jordan Peele wants to talk to you about your book’.”

“My agent called me up one day and said ‘Hey.

It was published in 2016, just as Jordan Peele was wrapping things up on his breakthrough horror film "Get Out" and looking for a new project. Nobody went for it in 2007 so Ruff turned the concept into his seventh novel.