Clifford: The mystery of the kibble crook. E., Lloyd, G., Binder, E., & Bridwell, N. Clifford’s big red ideas: A special friend. Cranium bloom: Let’s spin and play at the zoo. Cranium bloom: Let’s spin and play at the park. The everything kids’ geography book: From the Grand Canyon to the Great Barrier Reef-explore the world! Avon, MA: Adams Media. Expectations for women: Confronting stereotypes. Building off of the well-known song Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes, this book explores all. The everything kids’ easy science experiments book: Explore the world of science through quick and fun experiments. Creating content: Maximizing wikis, widgets, blogs, and more. This interactive board book, with pages divided into thirds, allows the creation. Elizabeth Mills Horns, Tails, Spikes, and Claws (Mix-and-Match Monster Book) (Nov Brdbk) Board book on. America’s supernatural secrets: Witches in America. From vampire space robots with sneakers for antennae to a froglike woodland beastie with a striped shirt and slime trail, this is low-tech, high-appeal fun.

A mix-and-match monster board book Flip the pages to create up to 125.

Czekaj’s goofy cartoon creatures appear at right (one aquatic monster has a single eye, pink lips, dragon wings, and tentacles with paws), opposite Mills’s staccato descriptions (“Scales/ Flippers/ Fur/ Three Feet”). A mix-and-match monster board book Flip the pages to create up to 125 different monsters HORNS, TAILS, SPIKES, AND CLAWS is a mix-and-match board book of. Buy a cheap copy of Horns, Tails, Spikes, and Claws book by J.

(starred review) "Who said an exquisite corpse has to be human? Readers can create mix and match monsters thanks to board book pages divided horizontally into thirds.

With die-cut pages throughout, readers can flip and mix monsters to create their ideal creature! Arrives by Wed, Apr 19 Buy Horns, Tails, Spikes, and Claws Mix-and-match Monster Book, Pre-Owned Board Book 054539385X 9780545393850 J. Elizabeth Mills and illustrated by Jef.įlip the pages to create up to 125 different monsters!īuilding off of the well-known song Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes, this book explores all sorts of different monsters from top to bottom (and horns and claws and fangs and wings).